Who is Juke Box Limited - About Us

Juke Box Limited, established in 1995 has become one of the most respected names in pro-audio distribution in France.
After representing some of the Juke Box brands in the Benelux on an independent basis and due to the positive client feedback Juke Box Limited Benelux was started in October 2008 as an independent subsidiary.
After the sad closing of Juke Box France beginning 2015 and following the demand of a lot of customers we started to serve the French market in october 2015. Fred Perrin and Herve (both ex Juke Box France) are now handling customers in France.
Some of the brands distributed in the Benelux are the same as in France others are specific for the Belux, France or Benelux markets. What is common however is the level of professionalism, quality and service, all out of respect for the client.
Juke Box Limited Brands
Benelux & Management
- Filip De Vos
- +32(0)495 612 512
- filip@jukeboxltd.be
France (Île de France)
- Fred Perrin
- + 33 (0)6 14 12 00 45
- fred@jukeboxltd.be
France (Province)
- Herve
- +33 (0)6 07 63 34 46
- herve@jukeboxltd.be